Rebuilding Lives and Restoring Hope
Shelter Now International
Serving the people in the Near and Middle East
The word “Shelter” in our organisational name literally means that—a house, a tent or a refuge. It arises from the command of Jesus that we are to “love our neighbour…” This additionally implies providing food, clothing and drinking water to the poor and needy as well as a roof over their heads. For more than 38 years we have assisted with humanitarian and developmental assistance in Pakistan and Afghanistan. We have provided emergency relief for war effected refugees as well as those who are victims of earthquakes, floods, drought and other natural disasters. We have provided reconstruction, rehabilitation and long term development co-operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. For now we closed the work in Pakistan. We started to help the “IS” refugees in North Iraq Kurdistan instead and partner wir local organisations in Uzbekistan and Togo.

Georg Taubmann, International Director