Your support is the foundation of our work. You should know what happens with your money, we like to be transparent.
For an overview of our previous Annual Reports with Financial Statements click here
How to donate for Projects through our National Offices
Shelter Now Germany
Click here for Online Donations
or use the Bank Account
Shelter Now Germany e.V.
Bank: Braunschweigische Landessparkasse
BLZ: 250 500 00
Account number.: 25 23 058
IBAN: DE65 2505 0000 0002 5230 58
Donation account in Switzerland
Name: Shelter Now Germany e.V.
Bank: Postfinance Bank Kto. 60-798660-9
IBAN: CH61 0900 0000 6079 8660 9
Shelter Now UK
Shelter Now UK
Account Name: Shelter Now UK
Sort Code: 60-02-12
Account Number: 61621617
For more Informaion: Click here.
Shelter Now Australia
Find out how to donate to Shelter Now Australia and click here
If you want to support the International Office
Shelter Now International
Shelter Now International e.V.
IBAN: DE87 7525 0000 0021 1513 29
Bank Address:
Sparkasse Amberg Sulzbach
Hauptstraße 16a
92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg
How does my donation help?
Millions of people in Afghanistan and Kurdistan look back on a life of fear and hardship. Many still suffer from the consequences of war, displacement and natural disasters.
With your donation you help to alleviate this need. You give people a roof over their heads, a new home. Donate a warm meal so that these people can get through the next cold winter without fear of freezing or starving to death. Your donation enables a child to attend school and opens up job opportunities. With your contribution you give hope for a more carefree life.
Information for donors or those who want to become donors.
Donating increases the democratic possibilities of the individual to exert influence.
Donors are different, they are not satisfied with the status quo. Through their actions they signal awareness and commitment. Their help shows that they want to change the situation. Donors are the feet of democracy – they make a difference. They make use of the opportunities for shaping society. Beyond elections and political decisions, donors influence real life.
Donation scandals get into the media especially at the end of the year. But fortunately these are individual cases, which in Germany alone are confronted by about 40,000 non-governmental organizations with good work.
Donate effectively
Donors have an influence on the effectiveness of their donation: if someone wants to donate e.g. 250 Euros in one year and distributes this amount among ten organizations, an administrative process (accounting, issuing and sending a donation receipt, sending information material) must be financed ten times. On the other hand, if you donate the total amount to one organization, there is only one processing. If this amount is collected by direct debit, the administrative costs are reduced even more.
Those who want to donate particularly effectively should pay attention to the following:
- Donate continuously,
- without earmarking,
- to the same organizations over a longer period of time,
- with complete address information on the remittance slip and
- preferably by direct debit authorization.
Help as a Company, Foundation or Trust
Companies, Foundations or Trusts are strong allies. Some have already supported Shelter Now projects. Some use this social commitment in advertising. Our organization is a sympathetic, trustworthy and has proven its high level of expertise in its 38 years of work.
Especially in the Christmas season more and more companies show their social responsibility, e.g. by sending a Christmas greeting with reference to a charitable donation instead of the ( mostly unpopular ) Christmas presents to customers and business partners – a positive development.
You are welcome to support a specific project on a one-off basis, or to take on a project sponsorship. Please contact us!